What it was like on Sunday Brunch plus our delicious recipes from the show
I have never been on live telly before. Not if you count that time I was on Blue Peter when I was 12.
Sunday Brunch was a hugely exhilarating experience, one that was a bit out of the blue really. My Miso Tasty cookbook is not new, but is now having its renaissance and it was great fun cooking dishes from it again, after so long!
After working on miso for so many years, it is finally having its MOMENT!
If you missed the show, here is the link to Channel 4OD, to watch it on play-back. You can also see lots of clips of it from our Instagram!
It was a shame I could not come into the studio, given covid rules, but I still really enjoyed it all the same! If anything it helped with my nerves having done all the cooking advance to courier to the studio, and then to just focus on chatting, from the comfort of my own kitchen.
Really hoping for some opportunities again to be part of the show in person. The presenters were super lovely to me so would love to meet them one day!
The preparations began at 4am in the morning and thank goodness, Dora our office assistant was around to support. It was still dark outside. I had cooked the whole day the day before, and on the Sunday morning that wake-up alarm was a brutal one. I didn’t have time to think too much about it though – it was action stations getting everything ready before we went live at around 11am. All the food had to be dispatched by 7.15am.
I cooked 4 dishes for the show presenters to try; the miso butter chive sweetcorn which is a massive hit for barbecues and picnics. The rich miso butter really brings out the sweetness of the corn and the chives gives it a sort of cheese and onion flavour.
For mains, I made a miso black cod which had been marinating for 24 hours lightly grilled – this is a classic, famous dish that is a total crowd-pleaser. The tangy sweetness of the miso cuts through the richness of the oily fish. The marinade is also great with salmon and also mackerel.
Frankie Bridges on Sunday Brunch
To go with the fish, I also made some miso walnut green beans, which is a great prepare-ahead veggie dish that goes with almost anything and perfect for sharing. Miso LOVEs nuts and seeds, so the dressing here adds masses of flavour.
The dessert was the real show-stopper though! I made a miso banana bread with miso caramel sauce. The presenters went wild for it and so did our fans and audience; we received so many requests for the recipe, so for those of you still hunting for it, the link is right here on the website. We really recommend going further and serving it with miso caramel and some creme fraiche. The miso caramel is a fantastic malty flavoured sauce similar to salted caramel, but with a deeper flavour. This sauce is also great for ice-cream and other puddings as well so worth giving it a go. The guests on the show chose it as their favourite of the 3 dishes I made, so I am super proud of it! I have made it 100s of times, so it’s thrilling to know that it is now being enjoyed beyond my kitchen too!
Jenny Eclair on Sunday Brunch
I loved the opportunity to tell the world about miso and what my business is all about. We have received really great feedback on the show which has been really warming and humbling.
Thank you to everyone for their support, for Sunday Brunch for having me and my business on the show! We LOVED IT!
Guests Jenny Eclair, Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen & Frankie Bridges on Channel 4’s Sunday Brunch
Miso is a fantastic match for rich oily fish like salmon, mackerel, and tuna. Here our umami rich miso flavours are pumped up with the addition of a spicy pepper paste called harissa, sweetened with a little maple syrup and a splash of balsamic vinegar. This is a fantastic marinade for fish or rich meats.