Miso Nutritious
For hundreds of years, the Japanese have eaten miso as a health food
“I remember a miso maker telling me that, when he first heard of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986 and the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011 he sent large pallets of miso immediately to help. There is a strongly held belief in Japan that miso has an almost magical ability to cure and soothe the body, as well as prevent any serious ills, if eaten regularly; it’s an ancient super food with a lovely mythical quality.”
The famously long lives of the Japanese have always been linked to their traditional diet, full of soy, fish, miso and other fermented foods. And an appreciation of the link between miso and health has begun to spread outside Japan.
Here are just some of the reasons why eating miso regularly could be good for us:
Fermentation. Miso contains live good bacteria, fantastic for the maintenance of a healthy gut.
Quality protein. Most miso contains about twelve per cent protein.
Essential vitamins. Miso is packed with vitamins E, B12 and K, as well as many minerals.
Low fat, low calorie. Eating miso regularly can help to maintain a healthy weight, because it helps to detox the body and the protein keeps you full for longer.
Digestion. In Japan, miso soup is often served at the end of the meal, especially in traditional Kaiseki meals, to help digest rich foods.
Health remedy. Miso also has a reputation of being a fantastic hangover cure and was included in medical handbook dating back to the 4th century AD of the famous Chinese doctor, Ge Hong, as a way to stop the common cold.
Salt. Miso contains less sodium than salt and soy sauce.
Extract from Miso Tasty The Cookbook by Bonnie Chung. Published by Pavilion

Miso makes
it Tasty

Our range of organic miso pastes have become the secret ingredient for the creative cook. An umami-rich product to have in the cupboard ready to enhance your everyday cooking in minutes!
Our white miso is a sweet, yet savoury type of rice miso, made by fermenting rice and soybeans together for 6 months. It is most popular in the central parts of Honshu, Japan.
Our red miso is the most umami rich type of rice miso, made by fermenting rice and soybeans together for up to 12 months.