The 5:2 diet is by far and away the most popular diet of the moment. If you’ve already signed yourself up for this strict regime, or if you’re thinking about doing so, we think that Miso Tasty can help you out…

Those 2 days a week when you dramatically cut your calorie intake down to just 500 calories are not easy. They can leave you feeling dizzy, lacking energy, headachey, and unable to concentrate. Obviously, these 2 days are only viable if you can find solutions to these problems that the lack of calories is causing you; every calorie you consume on these fast days must be highly nutritious.

With only 37 calories in a cup, packed full of umami flavour and containing 8% protein, Miso Tasty is your fast day secret weapon. Studies have shown that foods that are high in umami flavouring and foods that have a high protein content, help you feel fuller for longer. That’s the reason why drinking one cup of miso soup a day will keep your hunger at bay. We haven’t designed our miso soup to be low calorie and diet-perfect, it naturally is. We’ve just made our miso soup as tasty as possible: you don’t want to abandon those tastebuds on the 500 calorie days either!

As if that wasn’t enough to convince you of how essential Miso Tasty is about to become to your 5:2 lifestyle, it is also packed full of other great nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins B2 and K, copper, manganese and zinc. And if you still need convincing, you can read how Victoria Lambert describes Miso Tasty as her ‘fast day saviour’ in an article in the Daily Telegraph here.

We want to make those fast days as easy as possible, so you can buy miso soup online and we’ll deliver it through your letterbox to your home or your desk; wherever you need it most.


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