Miso Soup: The Hangover Cure

Party season is upon us. All of a sudden those thumping heads, queasy stomachs and sleep deprived eyes are making it a lot harder to get out of bed in the morning. Don’t worry, we have the solution. There’s one hangover remedy the Japanese have been relying on for centuries: miso soup.


A bowl of miso soup on a bleary-eyed post-party morning will put some life back into you. By the time you’ve finished it, the prospect of walking out that door won’t feel nearly so daunting. Here are 6 reasons why miso soup will help you fight your hangover:

1. Sodium. Miso soup is made by adding water to the miso paste, kelp stock and vegetables. Miso soup is naturally high in sodium, which will help your body retain the water you lost the night before, and rehydrate you.

2. Vitamin B. One of the B vitamins in miso soup is choline. Choline helps prevent the build up of alcohol in the liver and speeds up the discharge of it from the body.

3. Minerals. As an ‘ancient superfood’ miso soup is packed full of minerals. One serving of miso soup will replenish all those that you lost via dehydration the night before.

4. Amino acids. Miso is a fermented food, which means it contains good bacteria and essential amino acids. These will settle your stomach and help your digestion sort itself out.

5. Umami. The wonderful, savoury flavour of miso soup that we all love so much, is called umami. This is often referred to as the ‘5th taste’ and its aroma and flavour will stimulate your appetite.

6. Miso Easy. If you’ve got some Miso Tasty soups stored away in your cupboard, then congratulations, you’re in the perfect hangover cure situation. If you don’t, you’ll want to buy some miso now, before it’s too late. To make up a Miso Tasty soup you simply need to add hot water. Even your most hungover self can manage that. Trust us.


Miso Soup: The detox Essential
