We Asked Eliza Flynn, editor of Healthy Living London What’s In Your Handbag?

For the Miso Tasty team, the answer to this question is, of course, Miso Tasty; it fits easily into our bags and is a perfect healthy, filling snack to keep those rumbling tummies quiet!

We decided to ask our favourite Londoners this same question to find out what their ultimate handbag essentials are. Each month we’ll be letting you know what they can’t live without.

Eliza Flynn

Eliza Flynn, blogger and editor at Healthy Living London.

“Being asked to choose only 5 handbag essentials is a hard task – as far as I’m concerned, everything in my handbag is essential. However, I’ve whittled it down to the items I can’t leave the house without, not including things like purse, mobile, keys and Oyster card.

1. On-the-Go snacks. Right now, I can’t get enough of dried Physalis. Known by many as goldenberries, they’re like a healthy, adult version of Haribo. I hate being hungry so carrying healthy snacks around is vital.

2. Emergency cutlery. I can’t think of anything worse than stumbling across unexpected food and not having anything to eat it with. There’s been many a time I’ve been saved from finger-dipping yoghurts and the like by my trusty eating utensils. Most people think this is weird; I think it’s genius.

3. Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream. I often get dry patches on my face and I hate having dry lips so this often makes an appearance throughout the day. I would feel decidedly uncomfortable without it.

4. Notebook and pens. Even with all my productivity apps and the Notes feature on the iPhone, nothing beats good, old-fashioned notebooks. I write in mine everyday (I’m a list junkie) and at the same time, it’s rather calming. Unless my list is too long for me to handle…

5. Earphones & other tech accessories. I’m listening to several podcasts at the moment and during ‘dead time’ (travelling on the tube, waiting for people and appointments etc), I whip out my earphones and head off to a different place. Favourite podcasts at the moment are the Healthy Living London one (of course!), The Money Pillow, and Rich Roll. I also love my little ‘Lunch Money’ purse – it also contains my FitBit plug accessory, a spare set of headphones and a phone cable.”


Miso Tasty Soup - A Lunchtime Saviour
